Pedro Ramírez-Moreno

About me

I'm a fourth year Ph.D. math student at CIMAT under the direction of Luis Núñez-Betancourt. In 2020 I completed my Masters degree at UANL under the direction of Lilia Alanís-López and Luis Núñez-Betancourt. 

In my free time I enjoy dancing, playing board games, gardening and working out.

Research interests

My area of research is focused in commutative algebra, in particular I'm interested in combinatorial commutative algebra, edge ideals, F-singularities, symbolic powers and Groebner deformations. I'm also interested in computational aspects of commutative algebra, and in the connections between commutative algebra and other areas of mathematics such as graph theory, topology, and probability. 


Here is a link to my CV.


Connectedness of square-free Groebner deformations” (with Lilia Alanís-López and Luis Núñez-Betancourt). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), no. 4, 1405-1419.

On the symbolic F-splitness of binomial edge ideals”. arXiv: 2404.14640, (2024).

Contact information

For research related inquiries, feel free to contact me at