José Manuel Barrientos López

Hello there! I'm José Manuel, a Mexican mathematician, currently studying Master of Science (in Pure Mathematics) in Guanajuato, Central Mexico, at CIMAT (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas).

This website is intended to be an approach to my research interests and a chronology of my academic life.

Curriculum Vitae

Here's an English copy of my complete CV.

Where am I?

This is the location of Guanajuato in the Mexico's map .


email: jose [dot] barrientos [at] cimat [dot] mx

Office at CIMAT: D-617



My math area is functional analysis with particular interest on operator algebras. 

I am working on my master thesis under the supervision of Dr. Roberto Hernández Palomares (University of Waterloo), my co-advisor is Dr. Raúl Quiroga-Barranco (CIMAT). My thesis is about irrational rotation algebras and its classification by certain invariants such as K-theory.

My favorite graduate courses were: C*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, and Free Probability.

My favorite undergraduate courses were: Measure Theory, Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, and Harmonic Analysis.

Research projects:

Keywords: C*-algebras, operator algebras, C*-Hilbertian modules, AF-algebras, K-theory.

Keywords: Test functions, distributions, topology of test function space, Dirac delta functions. 

Keywords: Energy graphs, graphs approximations, self-similar measures, geometric and analytic properties of Sierpinski gasket. 

Keywords: Jacobi matrices, quadratic forms, orthogonal polynomial sequences, equations on differences.

Technical report