The Office of the Alumni Affairs is under the Office of the President of the Cebu Institute of Medicine (CIM).   It is the  link to provide ongoing services to every CIM Alumni.  It aims to encourage Alumni participation and  continuous involvement in in the academic and sociocultural activities of CIM, and promotes harmonious relationships to sustain the loyalty among its alumni.    The Office collaborates and network with the different CIM Alumni Associations in its various projects.           


The CIM Office of the Alumni is envisioned to  serve as the liaison between CIM and its alumni to encourage them to provide a continuing commitment and support   to CIM’s  vision and mission and goals


The Office of the Alumni Affairs will serve as an active link to provide CIM graduates the venue and effective mechanism by which they can meaningfully interact and collaborate with their Alma Mater to encourage maximum participation in its academic and socio-cultural mission.


1.      Alumni Profile:  Serves as the data bank for alumni records; relevant data and information regarding the alumni which will serve as a basis for updating the alumni profile.

a.  Filling Up of Alumni membership Form

b.  Create Data Base of Alumni

c.   Provide accurate data needed by the alumni for their development and enhancement of their professional career and employment opportunities

2.       Serves as the liaison between CIM and the alumni, creating opportunities for  the alumni to connect with each other

3.      Conducts alumni tracking and constantly update alumni directory

4.  Strengthen  relations with international alumni in order to identify their potentials and interests and updating them with the current status,  needs and priorities of CIM

5.      Coordinate and facilitate alumni activities, projects and programs that is of importance to the alumni as homecomings, reunions and other socio-cultural activities which they will organize.  

6.      Cultivate in the alumni the gift of giving as a culture of giving back to CIM and impress upon them their role in the development of CIM not only as donors and supporters but as important partners who contribute and benefit  from their connections with CIM.

7.      Collects and disseminate information and recognize achievements of all the alumni both local and international by publishing news and information in the Alumni  web page at the CIM website


1.      All accredited Alumni Associations and, individual Alumni   may submit their request for posting at the

2.      Only stories and /or photos related to alumni activities can be accepted. Photos can be sent with a short description

3.      Such contribution will pass through the Editorial Board of the CIM website for review and approval.

4.      Once approved, the sender will receive the link of the posted material through e mail.

What to Post in the Alumni Page:

a.  Events/Projects: Activities of accredited CIM Alumni Associations both international and local.

                                                              i.      Complete details of the activity with contact information for queries and other concerns.

                                                            ii.      Brochures /flyers of the event

b.      News and Announcements