
Software and Computing Equipment

Dear participants,

In our practical lectures, we will be using the Einstein Toolkit (, an open-source numerical relativity code for computational astrophysics.

We will practice how to install and run the Einstein Toolkit on our tutorial server using jupyter notebooks, how to visualize and analyze the numerical data, and we will get a taste on how to modify your own "thorn" (as code modules are called in the Einstein Toolkit).

To prepare for these hands-on sessions, please make sure that you set up the following before the school starts:

- Create an account on the tutorial server by following the instructions for *online

  usage* here:

  Please check that you can login before the school.

- Download and install jupyter on your computer, following the instructions here:

  Please check that you can run the jupyter notebook in your browser.

  If you have problems, please try a different browser, e.g., firefox or chrome.

- We will also have one hands-on session in which we use the xTensor package for

  mathematica, to derive Einstein's equations from the Einstein-Hilbert action and then

  derive the time evolution formulation of Einstein's equations.

  To prepare for this session please install mathematica using your university license, and download the (free) xAct package:

  We will share the mathematica notebook that we will work with in the next few days.


All lectures will take place at Auditorio Marcos Moshinsky, Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM.