
Sarah Waldock

Meet Sarah our Bundaberg Coordinator,

Sarah is a specialist Audiologist who owns her own independent Audiology practice in Bundaberg. Sarah has thirteen years of clinical experience and has a wide range of clinical skills including working with complex adult hearing loss clients, training new intern Audiologists, running specialist training courses and was a clinical trainer supporting over 60 clinicians across QLD and NT for six years. She is also a local Bundy girl who was born in Bundaberg, grew up on a farm, completed 2 degrees at the University of Queensland, lived in Ireland, travelled 26 countries and settled back in Bundaberg to raise a family. Sarah created Bundaberg Hearing (Specialist Audiology Practice) so she could utilise her speciality skills working with complex hearing clients to help meet the hearing needs of Bundaberg & Wide Bay residents. This is what led her to connect with CICADA to begin with. Sarah has a desire to create and grow a CICADA support group in Bundaberg to better help and support her fellow residents with hearing loss who are considering or already have a Cochlear Implant.

If you have any questions regarding the happenings in Bundaberg please reach out.
by emailing one of the links below.

For all other inquiries please
contact our secretary 

or see our main website for more details.