Dawson Elementary Distance Learning
Summer Feeding Program
CHUSD is starting its Summer Feeding Program Monday June 8, 2020, for children ages 0-18. Students do not have to be present at pickup, and parents may pick up the meals for their children. Every Monday, CHUSD will hand out a boxed meal with 5 days' worth of Breakfast & Lunch, at 3 different sites in our district.
Coalinga High School Cafeteria at 8:30am -11:00am or until we run out.
Huron Elementary Cafeteria will start handing out meals at 8:00am-10:00am or until we run out.
Huron Middle Cafeteria at 10:30am-12:30pm or until we run out.
Welcome Dawson Grizzlies & Parents!
A Message from your principal, Mrs. Baugh:
Hello, Dawson families~
I am so happy you have found our Dawson site! Even though our school campus is closed for now, school is still in, and there are many resources and supports available through this web site. Right here, you will find information, resources, video lessons, fun & helpful links and much more for students and families. :)
Also, please rest assured that we are here to help and support you during this time...your teachers, your counselor, and your principal are here for you! Please reach out if you need assistance in any way. You may contact me at (559) 935-7580 and leave a message, or email vayala@chusd.org and we will get back to you as soon as we are able.
We are still Awesome Dawson, so "Keep the candle lit!"
¡Bienvenidos Dawson Grizzlies y Padres!
Un mensaje de su directora, Sra. Baugh:
Hola, familias de Dawson ~
¡Estoy tan feliz de que hayas encontrado nuestro sitio Dawson! A pesar de que el campus de nuestra escuela está cerrado por ahora, la escuela aún sigue, y hay muchos recursos y apoyos disponibles a través de este sitio web. Aquí encontrará información, recursos, lecciones en video, enlaces divertidos y útiles y mucho más para estudiantes y familias. :)
Además, tenga la seguridad de que estamos aquí para ayudarle y apoyarle durante este tiempo ... ¡sus maestros, su consejera y su director están aquí para ayudarle! Comuníquese si necesita ayuda de alguna manera. Puede comunicarse conmigo al (559) 935-7580 o vayala@chusd.org y dejarme un mensaje, y le devolveré la llamada tan pronto como pueda.
Todavía somos Awesome Dawson, así que "¡Manténga la vela encendida!"

Our message to you.... AWESOME DAWSON STUDENTS!
Click orange button below to hear Superintendent Villanueva's Message
Together...we can do this!
Thank you, Superintendent Lori Villanueva!