Student Resources
The links below do not require accounts or passwords, and may be used any time.
Ducksters : This is a great site for history, geography math and biographies.
Mr. Nussbaum's : This site has information and interactive activities about many of the topics we study this year.
Sheppard Software - This site has hundreds of educational games and activities.
Problem sets with blank homework pages, homework solutions, lesson videos on
Khan Academy Practice for Modules: No log in or password necessary. More practice for every Module and Topic we do!
Sites for Choice time and WIN TIme:
Greg Tang Math - Play "Skills" Games" - Kakooma, Numtanga or other math games. Here are Greg Tang Game Directions
Multiplication and Division Practice Games - This especially good for facts!
ELA and Word Study:
Storyline Online : Listen to famous people read aloud.
Opinion, Informative, Narrative, and Research Prompts for Independent Writing - choices for writing.
Newspaper or Current Events Templates for Newspaper Writing: Make a copy for your Drive.
Nonfiction Narrative Template: Make a copy for your drive.
Social Studies:
Native Tech Native American Studies : This site has interactive activities, including virtual wampum.
Thanksgiving at Plymouth Plantation: Learn about interaction between early colonists and native Americans in Plymouth Colony.
Searching for Images:
Searching Google Images: This is a guide for how to search free, un-copywrited images.