Attendance Request

Does your student need to miss school? Call the school or do it right from your IC Portal. 

You can quickly and easily let us know of an absence for the same day or in the future!

🤧Mobile App: Absence Requests are in the lower right corner under Shortcuts.

🤧Desktop: Select More, then Absence Requests

🤧Check the correct student(s)

🤧Select an excuse from the drop down box

🤧Choose an absence type

🤧The date will pop up and you can put in an absence for today or in the future!

🤧Comments are required!


Click Absence Request

To view past absence requests, click View Requests (next to Submit). You can see a history of submitted requests and their status. Click a request to see more details. If you see a request you did not submit, please contact the attendance office.