Thank You!

The Research class of 2020 wants to say thanks to Ms. Taylor and Mr. Riggs for all of the support and memories they have provided us with these last two years. So here is a compilation of our favorite things about Ms. Taylor, Mr. Riggs, and Research.

“These classes were honestly life changing! Mr. Riggs was one of the most straightforward and to the point teacher I’ve ever had, and he made AP Seminar a class I will never forget. Ms. Taylor did an amazing job keeping AP Research a fun and rewarding environment, I really appreciated how she always had a smile on her face even when no one in the class turned their work in late. The way they work together to make the classes perfect and cohesive together is outstanding. By far AP Capstone was the most rewarding class I’ve taken and it’s run by the absolute best teacher duo!!” -Mandi Paddock

“Ms. Taylor is an amazing person, and there's no way I would have made it through this project without her. I'm extremely thankful for her constant support and I loved having AP Research with her every morning! Mr. Riggs has inspired me in a million different ways, and I would not be the person and musician that I am today without him. I love going to his rehearsals and some of my best high school memories come from AP Seminar. Thank you for your constant support and I can't wait to go back to rehearsals again!” -Abby Felde

“Ms. Taylor, thank you for being an amazing role model to me for the past three years. Thank you for guiding me through the hard times and for challenging me to face them head on. I admire your wit, your kindness, and your passion and enthusiasm for everything that you do. Thank you for being the best example of a kindhearted, capable woman.” -Emma Sorenson

“I love how Mrs. Taylor always hyped us up and told us that we were capable of anything! And how she would always play the NSYNC version of happy birthday and dance around whenever it was someone’s birthday!” -Lindsey Lubicz

“I love that Mr. Riggs always roasts his students, it makes the class so much more fun. It’s really funny when Ms. Taylor overhears Beatriz telling some crazy and weird story. Also their teamwork is amazing and it’s a mystery as to how they deal with us and stay sane.” -Ngoc Tran

“My favorite thing about Mr. Riggs and Ms. Taylor is that they were always there for us. They were there when we were panicking or needed help. They were there from day one all the way till we clicked that submit button. They made this crazy class a million times better.” -Madison Maish

“Throughout research and seminar Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Riggs have always been there to guide us. They’ve taught us so many invaluable lessons that we would never get in a different class. Throughout capstone, my favorite memory was the field trips to CLC and the haunted house. Both Mr. Riggs and Mrs. Taylor always put forth great effort in order to teach us and help us be successful in their class, and organize events such as community night and our field trips. I don’t think I could’ve been successful without them and their guidance!” -Ally Olsen

“One thing that I love about Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Riggs is that they would walk into each other’s classes and we’d start talking about the most random things. Whether it be at the start or end of the day, they always found a way to make me laugh and never failed to put a smile on my face!” -Ana Paulino

“Ms Taylor is one of the most passionate and inspiring people I have ever met. Her constant support and love is what made me want to keep pushing through the hard times.” -Eli Ruano

“One thing I love about Ms. Taylor is her passion for the class. It made it seem like it wasn’t just a class, it was a community.” -Gloria Lobodzinski

“I love how involved Mr. Riggs and Ms. Taylor are in these classes. They really want to know everyone’s opinions and everyone’s topics and help in whatever ways that they can. They do so much to help the students prepare everything and don’t just leave them hanging, and I really appreciated that” -Jazzmyn Roman

“My favorite memory was playing ms. Taylor’s old board games. The day was so fun because ms. Taylor is not only a teacher, but a friend as well.” -Beatriz Warnes

“The best times of my whole year is when they're both in the room at the same time. You know it’s a good day when you see them both as you walk in. They made my high school experience so much better by being there no matter what and looking back I can proudly say I’m happy I took Ap Capstone not for the course, but to be taught by such amazing people.” -Eli Ruano

“If anyone else were to teach these capstone classes, no one would survive them. Ms. Taylor and Mr. Riggs made these classes the most enjoyable time of high school. Constant laughs and memories, it made all of us forget that we were becoming extremely better writers. We could not ask for better teachers.” -Kelsi Sheren

“I love how caring Ms. Taylor always is and how she’s always there to help you out no matter what and Mr. Riggs makes class more fun without even trying by just making people laugh. I always enjoyed being in class with either of them.” -Kaitlyn Holmes

“I love how invested Ms. Taylor was with each and every one of us. She also knew how to help and keep us motivated no matter what. And Mr. Riggs was just the most hilarious person ever. Will never forget when he rubbed one of those bleach wipes all over his face in seminar” -Ashlyn Sundell

“Ms. Taylor was one of the most understanding teachers I have ever had, I appreciate all she did to encourage and motivate us to get our work done.” -Abbey Thomson

“I love how personable they both are. They added so much fun to a rather mundane subject. Honestly, without them, these classes would not have nearly as many people.” -Tessa Wolf

“I would like to say thank you so much to both Mr. Riggs and Ms. Taylor for being the best Ap Capstone teachers we could ever ask for. They have the best teamwork and they’re super motivating. My favorite thing about Mr. Riggs is that he has so many quotable sayings and he’s just hilarious. Ms. Taylor on the other hand is such a kind soul and even until the end, she reminds us that we’ve worked so hard for 2 years, we can’t give up and it’s going to be worth it.” -Ngoc Tran

“Mr. Riggs is such an amazing person that I look up to so much. Our relationship started out rocky with me dropping a slushie on him but it was the perfect beginning to an amazing journey.” -Eli Ruano

“Thank you so much to Mr. Riggs and Ms. Taylor for what you have both done for me these past two years. I have learned so much from this course. I will never forget that one day in AP Seminar when Mr. Riggs was licking envelopes and we were secretly making fun of him until he noticed. A huge thanks to Ms. Taylor for always putting a smile on my face and never caring how late I came into class even with a coffee” -Julia Hackeloer

“Ms. Taylor and Mr. Riggs, thank you both so much for helping us all grow into becoming better students! Your kindness and love helped us to get where we are today and I am very grateful for all that you have done :) Thank you so much!” -Molly Adams

"Thank you Ms. Taylor for helping me through my research project, I don't know what I would had done without all our panic powwows. And thank you Mr. Riggs for always making class interesting, you never failed to make me laugh with your sly remarks. While AP Capstone was hard and always gave me something to fret over, I am going to miss it and all the fun and hardships that came with it" -Katy Amodeo

Here are also a few of our favorite quotes from Mr. Riggs

“Because that’s basic and y’all are better than that”

“That’s such a basic form of bullying”

“Well that’s Jesus telling you [your assignment wasn’t good]”

“The power outage will be starting now” *speaker* “WOO LETS GO!” *Mr. Riggs clapping and screaming*

“If you don’t meet someone in college” *hand chopping motion* “it’s over you won’t meet anyone”

“Yeah it hurts his credibility because he’s a jerk”

Mr. Riggs: “lift the poster”

Student: “I don’t want to scare him”

Mr. Riggs: “The squirrel is back yay AP Saminar. Is that the same squirrel you thought was dead?”

“It starts with… NOOO!” *Mr. Rigg’s alarm goes off*

“People don’t care about the footnotes”

“If you have any questions, I bet the people at McDonald can answer them”

“Looking cute is very important”

“If wishes were horses we’d all ride”

Mr. Riggs: “Here’s a thing I don’t need to tell you, my address”

Student: “But how are we going to hang out!”

“I don’t know, can you be creative at all?”

“Oh did he swallow an air-pod?”

Student: “What should I do with this question?”

Mr. Riggs: “Probably answer it”

"You can all leave but you have to hold hands. Oh all four of them are holding hands ... they found Owen ... oh they made a circle so no hand is not held."