Spanish Pre-U

spanish pre-u

Please click here for the full specification.

Course Content

The aim of the course is to develop the ability to use French, German or Spanish effectively for purposes of practical communication, and to provide the confidence and linguistic skills to understand, discuss and write about contemporary events and issues in the range of countries where the languages are spoken. A full list of topics areas covered, as well as the different Paper 4 options, can be found in the Syllabus using the link above. The course also aims to provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation and offer insights into the diverse cultures associated with these languages. The courses aim to foster independent learning and provide an excellent basis for further language study at degree level and beyond.

French, German and Spanish follow the CIE Pre-U course. We have a combination of students doing one language and others doing two. Those doing two benefit from the structure and requirements of the course being the same.

Course Structure

The course will be taught by two teachers and a native speaker Foreign Language Assistant. Students are examined at the end of the two-year course as follows with each paper being worth 25% of the total marks: Paper 1 (Speaking) - students discuss a stimulus article, presenting their ideas and views and then present and discuss a topic of their choice set in the diverse cultures of the languages studied. Paper 2 (Reading and Listening). Paper 3 (Writing and Usage) - students write a discursive essay from the topics studied and complete grammar excercises. Paper 4 (Topics and Texts) - students write an essay in the language studied on the chosen cultural topic which will cover a text and film and then write an essay in English on the set text.

Course Requirements

A minimum of an A grade at IGCSE/GCSE or equivalent is required for this course.

Reading and Resources

The Modern Languages Department houses an extensive library with materials to support extending both language and cultural understanding. Students are encouraged to make use of this resource.