Physics A Level

physics a level

Please click here for the full specification.

Course Content

Lower Sixth

  • Measurement and errors
  • Particles and radiation
  • Waves
  • Mechanics and Materials
  • Electricity

Upper Sixth

  • Further mechanics and thermal physics
  • Fields and their consequences
  • Nuclear physics
  • The option: Astophysics, medical physics, turning points, engineering

Course Structure

Internal exams will be sat at the end of year 12 which will cover units 1 to 5, which will include practical questions, as there is no practical coursework in the A-Level. After 2 years of study students will sit three 2 hour papers covering units 1 to 8, a compulsory practical section and an optional topic.

Reading and Resources

Text books will be Issued depending on the course content, some suggestions for additional reading around the subject are:

  • “A Short History of Nearly Everything” - Bill Bryson
  • “Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman?” - Richard Feynman
  • “The Pleasure of Finding Things Out” - Richard Feynman
  • “A Brief History of Time” (or “A Briefer History of Time”, which is supposed to be a more simple read) - Stephen Hawking

Entry Requirements

Students will have achieved a minimum of a high grade 7 in Physics GCSE or the equivalent in the Physics component of Double Award Science. However, an 8 in Physics GCSE (or in the Physics component of Double Award Science), together with the study of a full A Level in Mathematics are the recommended entry requirement.