Geography A Level

geography pre-u

Please click here for the full specification.

Course Content

The Cambridge Pre-U Geography syllabus offers opportunities to explore a range of geographical environments, issues, themes and hazards. As a department we have been able to select syllabus content which builds on our GCSE syllabus whilst avoiding repetition of topics and as such we aim to foster genuine interest in and enjoyment of the subject.

The syllabus combines physical processes with challenging and contemporary themes in human geography which provide the depth and rigour required for a university degree course. The syllabus encourages the acquisition of specific geographical skills and abilities, in particular the skills of independent research, fieldwork, analysis and effective communication.

You will be required to adopt a more critical approach as there will be a shift away from the acceptance of material as uncontested fact to a debate surrounding the truth of the material you are being presented with and an examination of the reliability of sources and evidence.

Course Structure

As a linear course all four papers will be sat at the end of the Upper Sixth.

Lower Sixth

  • Autumn Term - The Atmospheric Environment (Paper 1) and Spatial Inequality and Poverty Issues (Paper 3)
  • Spring Term - Hot Arid and Semi-Arid Environments (Paper 1) and Health Issues (Paper 3)
  • Summer Term - Paper 4

Upper Sixth

  • Autumn Term - Tectonic Hazards (Paper 3) and Trade, Debt and Aid (Paper 2)
  • Spring Term - Meterological Hazards (Paper 3) and The Provision of Food (Paper 2)

Reading and Resources

To further their knowledge of the world around them as well as current affairs we encourage our geographers to read a newspaper on a daily basis, case studies are central to understanding the significane of events studied in geography and therefore keeping abreast with current affairs is of great importance.

The National Geographic is a fantastic source of information regarding specific case studies of both physical and human events.

A large number of TV documentaries will also be of relevance to our Lower and Upper Sixth students and we encourage them to inform their Geography teacher of anything they have watched or seen advertised that might be suitable for their peers to watch too. The department subscribes to GeoFile and GeoFactsheet articles and we actively encourage students to read these regularly.