Making Links

why is this important?

We have already looked at how important the starting point or your environment is when you are working out how to learn - this short video re-enforces this idea. Do you have any idea what they are talking about?!

Your basic knowledge is critical for your learning otherwise it is hard to make those links. Do you need to revisit any basic knowledge?

What are Schemas?

Teachers have tended to talk a lot about schemas when children are in Primary School as schemas are formed based on our experiences in life. Schemas are the knowledge that we collect which help us interpret new information. Once they are formed they have a tendency to remain unchanged. Now you are in Secondary School you need to make your schemas stronger and make links between your schemas to help you learn more effectively.

This brilliant video by the BBC explains how you learn. Listen out for the following as you watch and can you remember their relevance to your schemas?

  • 4
  • Retrieval Strength
  • Storage Strength
  • In which subjects do you need to concentrate on a few core ideas to help your learning?
  • In which subjects do you struggle to remember things? Why do you think this is? What can you do about it?
  • In which subjects do you need to work on increasing the retrieval strength of your learning?
  • In which subjects do you need to work on the storage strength of your learning?

Desirable Difficulties and Retrieval Practice are key to helping you make links between and strengthen your schemas.

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