
11th Grade:

College Planning Timeline

This is a key year in the college planning process because you’ll be taking standardized tests, narrowing down your college list, and learning more about financial aid. In addition, you’ll need to stay involved in your high school courses and activities.

Fall: Take the PSAT and start a list of colleges

Stay on track with your classes and grades.

Meet with your counselor to see what you still need to take. Check on your class rank and your GPA. Even if your grades haven’t been that good so far, it’s never too late to improve. Colleges like to see an upward trend. Make sure you are taking classes that show you are challenging yourself.

Take the PSAT.

Taking the test qualifies you for the National Merit Scholarship program, which means you could earn money for college. In addition, it’s a good way to practice for the SAT. The results will also help you plan for courses next year.

Consider what type of education to pursue.

Decide what type of education you want to pursue: a vocational-technical school, two-year college, four-year college, or a military career. What fields interest you? If you’re interested in attending a military academy, talk to your school counselor about starting the application process now. Do you want to attend a public or private school? Local? In-state or out-of-state?

Research colleges and aim for a list of 8-12.

Your list of colleges should include schools that meet your most important criteria (for example, size, location, cost, academic majors, or special programs). Weigh each of the factors according to their importance to you and develop a ranking of the schools on your list. Aim for 8-12 colleges on your list at this point.

Continue gathering college information.

Go to college fairs, attend college nights, and speak with college representatives who visit your high school; use an online college finder and search top college lists. Watch for virtual open houses, as well as videos on college websites regarding the campus and academic programs. You may be able to narrow your choices or add a school to your list.

Interested in sports?

If you want to play Division I or II sports in college, start the certification process. Make sure you’re taking a core curriculum that meets NCAA requirements. See the Sports Page for more information.

Winter: Stay involved, organize college lists, and prepare for standardized tests

Stay involved with extracurricular activities and community service.

Colleges look for consistency and depth in the activities you pursue. Look for opportunities to take leadership positions. This will help you with both college and scholarship applications. Also try to commit more time to a few activities rather than spending a few hours here and there at multiple organizations.

Begin narrowing down your college choices.

Check the Admissions Page on websites to make sure you have all the information you need about the colleges you’re interested in (entrance requirements, tuition, room and board costs, course offerings, student activities, financial aid, etc.). Begin comparing schools and narrow down your choices. Aim to have 3-5 colleges by the fall.

Mark Dates of Important Tests. Get Registered. Get Prepared.

Figure out when you’ll be taking important tests like the SAT, ACT, SAT Subject Tests, and AP exams, and mark the dates on your calendar. Find out if the colleges you are interested in require the SAT, ACT, or SAT Subject Tests. Register to take the tests you need; most juniors take them in the winter or spring. You can take them again in the fall of your senior year if you’re unhappy with your scores.

Talk to your family.

Have a discussion about the colleges you’re interested in. Discuss the options available and talk about finances.

Learn more about financial aid.

Examine your family’s financial resources and gather information about financial aid from the schools you’re interested in. High-school sponsored financial aid nights, college financial aid counselors, and advice articles are also good sources of information.

Spring: Schedule college visits; narrow colleges to 5-6 favorites

Prepare a challenging schedule for senior year.

Meet with your counselor to determine what classes you’ll take next year and to make sure you’re on track for graduation. When you pick your classes, don’t load up on easy electives. Colleges do consider your senior year courses and grades, so stick with a schedule that challenges you.

Start a scholarship search.

There are lots of scholarships out there; you just need to spend a little bit of time and effort to find them. Check with your guidance office for scholarships from local organizations and use online scholarship search tools to find a wider range of options. The sooner you start looking for scholarships, the easier it will be to select some to apply to during your senior year.

Apply for a summer job or internship.

Summer employment and internships in fields you’re interested in will look appealing on a college application or resume. The money you earn can also be used to help pay application and testing fees in the fall.

Set up appointments at your top college choices.

You’ll often have to plan ahead when visiting colleges. Call the admissions office to set up a personal interview, tour, and a meeting with a professor or coach if you’re interested. Try to personally meet the Department Head or a faculty member of the program you're interested for the opportunity to ask more in-depth questions about your program.

Interested in a military career?

There are many career opportunities with the military. ROTC is offered at many colleges as well. Visit www.todaysmilitary.com for more information on Military Careers or stop by the Guidance Office to view booklets.

Source: https://www.petersons.com/blog/11th-grade-college-planning-timeline/

For Parents: Helping your child prepare for college

This is the year the college search really gets going. Click on the article below for more information:


College Planning Meeting with Juniors and Parents, January 12, 2021

11th Grade College Presentation