
Breakout Session 1  (10:00 - 10:45)

Starting Your Faith Walk
Pastor Andrew
Community Room A/B

Learning how to start your faith walk can be complicated and intimidating. Spend time learning practical tips, insights, and ideas on how to get off on the right foot whether you’re exploring for the first time or being reinvigorated in your faith. 

Grief and Loneliness
Amy Eberman
Community Room C/D

Loneliness after the death of a loved one is a very real and difficult part of walking through grief. In this breakout, we’ll talk about spiritual and practical ideas to help you find hope and healing as you navigate this hard season. This breakout could also be helpful for you if you're walking alongside a loved one who is experiencing grief and loneliness. 

Mental Health:  Calming Anxieties
Patti Suhr

In this breakout, we will focus on symptoms of depression and anxiety, creating a biblical understanding of mental health, and identifying ways to promote wellness and decrease suffering. 

Praying Outside The Lines
Jenn Mortag
West Auditorium

How do we pray out loud when we don’t know what to say? Where can we find the confidence to step up and talk to God in front of the people around us in need? Come learn what Jesus says about prayer, examine what the world says about prayer, and discuss ways to break down the barriers that keep us from sharing words of prayer out loud with our neighbors.

Breakout Session 2  (1:00 - 1:45)

Why So Many Bibles?
Pastor Mike Skunes
Community Room C/D

Have you ever wondered why there are so many translations of scripture and which one is “right”?  Join us in exploring these questions and more. Bring your questions, your favorite Bible translation, and your critical thinking skills for a great time of learning and faith.

Walking with the Homeless
Laura Sandretti
Community Room A/B

Walking with the Homeless is about ordinary life intersecting with awareness. It’s about doing something in Jesus’s name in our cities, country clubs, kitchen, and the crevices of our souls and it will challenge you to live and love with less regret.  

Marriage: Dynamic Duos
Panel Discussion
West Auditorium

Meet several local Christian couples as they answer questions about their marriage and faith journey.

God's Gift of Music
Windy Hope Bohn

Explore how music can touch our hearts when words cannot. Through her story, Windy talks about the past, present, and future effects that music can have on each of us.

Breakout Session 3  (2:00 - 2:45)

Prison Ministry
Mary Freeman
Community Room A/B

People everywhere need the good news of the gospel.  Prison inmates are no exception.  Find out what God is doing through prison ministries.  

Passing Faith To The Next Generation
Andrea Hopgood

Come hear practical ways to pass your faith on to the next generation.  There will be interactive and hands-on tools to assist you as you make faith part of your everyday life.

Moms of Small Children
Patti Suhr
Community Room C/D

This breakout focuses on the development of children ages 1-5 and how we can practically guide our children into becoming disciples of Jesus.

God's Promise Through Our Struggles
Karen Cameron
West Auditorium

Come hear Karen Cameron, jazz singer, author, and wonderful believer, talk about how God's promises are always there for all of us, even during struggles and difficult seasons.