Chokio-Alberta Music

Welcome to Music at Chokio-Alberta!

In Music we strive for excellence in academics, athletics and arts.

10 Reasons Why Your Child Should Be In Music

1.) They Learn to Appreciate Music

The pillar of music performance is that your child will learn how to value an Art form that finds its way into our everyday life.

2.) They Learn the Value of Community

Your child will learn the value of teamwork and how it helps them achieve their goals.

3.) Their Brain Will Grow

Studies have shown that performance in Music increases brain activities and creates new neurological connections.

4.) They Become a Doer

Your child will learn how to be self motivated and their own task masters.

5.) They Develop Self Esteem

Your child will learn how to appreciate what they have achieved through goal setting and teamwork.

6.) They Become Part of Something Bigger

Music is all about the greater good, and your child will learn how to strive for goals as a member of a team.

8.) They Learn How to Work Hard and Persevere

Your child will learn how to push past difficult scenarios in order to reach a goal.

9.) They Learn Motor Skills and Coordination

Your child will learn how to better use their fine and gross motor skills and use them in conjunction to be more coordinated.

10.) They Learn How to Play and Read Music

Your child will learn how to read musical notation, which can be a lifelong skilled used well into adulthood.

Below is a link to my weekly lesson plans