
Choices Youth Shelter is a not for profit agency that provides a wide range of services to homeless youth in Dufferin County.

As part of our ongoing commitment to providing care to at risk youth and our community, Choices participates on several committees/board with our community partners to find innovative solution to mental health, addictions, wellness and social justice challenges facing the community.


Our mission is to be a safe and supportive resource within Dufferin County that offers homeless youth, 16 to 24 years of age, an alternative to living on the street and supports their transition to a more productive and brighter future.


  1. Develop and promote community support for youth which will ensure their successful integration into the community as productive members.

  2. Provide emergency housing for homeless youth 16 - 24 years of age from Dufferin County and surrounding areas.

  3. Create awareness of support for the homeless throughout Dufferin, while creating and developing strong community partnerships.

  4. Provide opportunities to develop life skills within the community through access to education and community support to build positive self esteem and empowerment.

  5. To adapt as the needs of the community change.

Diversity and Inclusion

At Choices Youth Shelter, we value the dignity and worth of all persons and encourage respect for individual differences, beliefs and diverse lived experiences. Choices Youth Shelter recognizes the systemic barriers of discrimination and disadvantage experienced by Black, indigenous and people of colour, the LGBTQ2S population, people with disabilities and all other marginalized identities within our community. In addition, we acknowledge that aspects of a person’s social and political identities intersect, which further creates unique oppressive and discriminatory experiences.

To address this, Choices Youth Shelter is committed to building and fostering a harmonious and inclusive environment for all people regardless of their race, ancestry, place of origin, ethnic origin, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, political or religious affiliation and disabilities. We aim to equitably treat our residents, community members, staff and volunteers and to fairly provide services free from discrimination, harassment and hate.

Our History

CHOICES is a truly unique organization. Since our opening in January 2000, the shelter has grown through community support and the dedication of many volunteers. During these eleven years we have had over 1450 intakes of Orangeville and area youth.

In 1999, an outreach worker from a local church called all interested citizens together to discuss the problem of affordable housing and homelessness. From this meeting, several areas of concern were identified. Among them was the rise of youth homelessness. Members of this group were encouraged to find a community-based solution and thus the concept of a youth shelter was born. Choices Youth Shelter was able to open and operate for the first year through generous community donations and volunteerism. From this humble beginning, Choices Youth Shelter has developed into a leader in the needs of the homeless youth of Orangeville and area.

As a true grassroots organization, our programs have evolved to meet the needs of homeless and at risk youth between the ages of 16 and 24. We offer a safe haven for youth who would otherwise be living in less than desirable circumstances. Before youth come to us many have "couch surfed" with friends in their homes, slept in laundromats or in abandoned buildings, lived on the street sleeping in local parks, under bridges or in local forests. This tragedy is occurring more frequently throughout the world and is now within our own community.

The youth that come to CHOICES not only receive immediate shelter, nutritious meals and access to shower facilities; also referrals to local service providers based on their personal needs and goals. But more importantly, these youth have someone to listen to them and hopefully to point them in the right direction.

We believe that if the youth are involved in every step of the program and are supported by our community, we can assist them to be the capable adults that we want to see in our community.

Our Board

Choices is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of individuals who have a broad range of experience in management, social services, finance and IT.

Chair: Randy Narine

Vice Chair: Brian Scott

Secretary: Shannon Gander

Treasurer: Randy Beyers

Board member: Keith Ward