Letter of Equivalency

If you wish for your child to receive a Superintendent's Letter of Equivalency, contact us early in the spring of your child's last year of high school. Email or mail the document checklist below and all your home instruction records (i.e., IHIPs, Quarterly Reports, Standardized Tests, etc.). During the meeting, we will review your child's files, ensuring they are complete. If there is documentation for everything, the liaison will send the file to the Superintendent and a recommendation regarding the equivalency letter. It is the Superintendent who is ultimately responsible for writing the letter.

Letter of Equivalency Document Checklist.pdf

IMPORTANT: Once your child turns 16 and completes that year of schooling, it is your choice to submit paperwork or not, even if they continue with home instruction. Please be aware that if sometime in the future you request a Superintendent’s Letter of Equivalency for college OR dual-credit at a community college such as TC-3 or for Tuition Assistance Program applications, the home instruction liaison will need to have complete documentation for all four years of high school: four IHIPs, all quarterly reports, and four standardized tests.