Professional Development



Inservice Days: are utilized to come together as a whole district to adequately prepare for the school year ahead. District level and building level meetings are conducted during this time to minimize disruption to instructional and planning time during the school year.

Flex Days: Each level of our system has unique needs in order to prepare for the return of our students.  To accommodate those differentiated needs, flex days allow for the levels to determine which of the two flex days will be a dedicated work day and which one will be utilized as a building/department inservice day. 

Professional Development Days:  are planned by the District based on the professional development needs of our staff which is collected through an all staff survey aligned to our district and building level strategic plans (scorecards).  This can include supported curriculum work, training, and mini-workshops.

Work Days:  are strategically placed in the calendar to provide dedicated time for administrators to conduct staff meetings and for instructional staff to independently engage in job specific work (grading, reporting, collaboration, unit/lesson planning, etc.).  Administration may schedule staff meetings on these days.

Non-Work Days: are non-student contact days that identified employee groups are not required to attend

District Facilitated:  Development delivered by district departments aligned to district initiatives.

Building Facilitated: Development directed at the building level aligned to building initiatives.

Academic Chair Facilitated: Academic Chairs create, facilitate, and implement instructional plan developed in collaboration with the Curriculum Department team at the start of the year.