Parent/Guardian Resources

Parent/Guardian Resources

Below you will find various types of resources that you may use as parents and/or share with your children. I have listed below, the state and national websites that have to do with disability information and laws. You will also find resources and techniques on note-taking and time management.

State & National Websites (Disability Information/Laws)

Study Skills, Note-Taking, & Time Management Skills

  1. Set up a schedule- for classes that are harder, make sure you give yourself more time to study and do homework

  2. Start studying for 10-15 minutes at a time and then build up from there

  3. Take breaks

  4. Reward yourself

  5. Find a good location to study (i.e.- not with friends, not in front of the tv, etc)

  6. Use the same place for studying each time

  7. Make sure you are working in a quiet place

  8. Eliminate distractions