Los Angeles Charter School

Teacher Residency Consortium

Zoom Informational Session 

Registration link- https://tinyurl.com/LACSFebZoom 

Welcome Cohort 2 Residents!

Aaron Ramirez, Multiple Subject

Our Community School

Jen Nitz, Multiple Subject

CHIME Charter School 

Brenda Reyes, Art

CHAMPS Charter High School

Isaac Miller, English

Bert Corona Middle School 

Our Mission

Our teacher residency program is committed to building a sustainable pipeline into our schools, growing our teacher capacity from within our walls, and developing an intentional diversity strategy that mirrors our school communities. 

In partnership with California State University, Northridge, our program seeks to recruit and prepare quality teachers to foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment that encourages growth and development. We believe that investing in our own community by providing pathways for aspiring educators to join our team not only benefits our students, but also strengthens our consortium schools as a whole.

Through CSUN's ACT program & our consortium, we strive to build a sustainable and diverse teaching force that is equipped to meet the evolving needs of our students and communities, and to create a lasting impact in education.

Congratulations to our Cohort 1 Residents!

Ms. Lopez completed her residency journey at CHIME in third and fourth grade. Ms. Lopez will move forward as a special education teacher at CHIME in second grade! Congratulations! 

Ms. Lopez beginning her teaching day in Third Grade! 

Mr. Balcorta beginning his teaching journey in Kindergarten! 

Mr. Balcorta completed his residency journey at CHIME in kindergarten and fifth grade. Mr. Balcorta will move forward as a Math teacher at GALS! Congratulations! 

"Research on the impact of the residency model suggests that graduates of teacher

residency programs stay in their districts at much higher rates than those who have entered

through other pathways, stabilizing the teaching force, and they are effective, as judged by

principals who hire them and evidence about their students’ performance. Research also

suggests that, on average, the pool of residents is more racially diverse than new teachers

entering through other pathways."

 Patrick, S. K., Darling-Hammond, L., & Kini, T. (2023). Early impact of teacher residencies in California [Fact sheet]. Learning Policy Institute.

Click HERE to read the full LPI report titled "Early Impact of Teacher Residencies in California." 

Our Teacher Residency Consortium Schools