Independent Study PE

Welcome to Chico High's ISPE Informational Website for Mrs. Taylor's Course

We are excited to offer an alternative Physical Education class for students who want to go above and beyond academically by adding an extra class to their schedule outside of the traditional school hours. When students take this course students they are choosing to give up the option to be eligible for an open period or be a teacher's aide now or in the future.

New students for the 2019-2020 school year will receive an informational packet when school starts stating when the mandatory meetings will be held and include the Course Contract for students and their parent/guardian(s) to review and sign prior to the meeting.

Please remember that this is a Physical Education class and will require students to demonstrate knowledge in a variety of ways.

Weekly Responsibilities:

  • Weekly Activity Log: a minimum of 200 minutes required weekly verified by an instructor, coach, or gym membership employee.
  • Weekly Reflection: Specific prompts provided
  • Weekly Morning Meeting: Fitness Day (7am on Specified Days of the Week)
  • Homework (based on the textbook): Google Classroom