Monitoring and Reporting System

Chhukha Dzongkhag Administration

Online Reporting

Background of the system

The monitoring and evaluation is one of the integral parts of the management cycle. It is very critical for organizational effectiveness. A lack of coordination and monitoring system is one of the national issues reflected in the 12th FYP documents.

The site engineers should carry on the first level of monitoring and reporting. They are on the frontline of the Dzongkhag monitoring system. At least once in a month, they monitor and ensure the implemented activities are as per the drawing and designs. Most importantly, they provide monitoring and professional support services to the contractors/ beneficiaries and address the issues if any. Finally, the site engineers reflect the action taken/ recommendations/ issues of site visits in the OMRS.

Since the different plan activities belong to different sector heads/Dungkhag and Gewogs, they play pivotal roles by being accountable for timely and quality completion. Therefore they conduct site visits as and when required as per the recommendations and issues reflected in the OMRS by the site engineers. More so they discuss with site engineer and relevant stakeholders to resolve the issues. Then the sector heads/Drungkhag/Gewogs compile and reflect the pertinent issues, physical progress and overall progress on quarterly basis in the OMRS.

Since this OMRS is instituted at Dzongkhag, Sector and Dungkhag/Gewogs levels in July 20019, it is already proving crucial in providing facts and figures as per the APA mandates for review and updates.

- Wangdi Gyelpo, Dz. Planning Officer

Effort 1

A description of an effort and why it matters

Effort 2

A description of an effort and why it matters

Effort 3

A description of an effort and why it matters

Effort 4

A description of an effort and why it matters