About the Library

Aerial view of school

Our Library

Our library serves about 500 students in grades 6 through 12. Our collection includes books, magazines, audiobooks, videos, and DVD's. There are fifteen student-use computer stations available in the library that students are free to use at any time. The library also houses a drop-down projector as well as a Clear Touch interactive smart board. The library welcomes monetary and physical donations from our community in order to continue to build our collection to best meet the needs of our students. We also welcome volunteers in our library.


The mission of the MHS library is to ensure that students are effective users of ideas and information who are enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and productive users of technology.


  • Provide instruction in the acquisition, evaluation, and ethical use of information resources

  • Develop and encourage a love of reading

  • Provide assistance to students in selecting materials while celebrating students' accomplishments and growth

  • Create an environment that nurtures the natural curiosity of students

  • Provide self-enriching ideas, resources, and engaging experiences for all users

  • Foster collaborative relationships and shared learning among faculty