e-learning Day


When we experience a disruption in regularly scheduled school days, and traditionally would have to cancel school, Chesterfield County School District students are able to continue their lessons at home via eLearning while keeping our students safe during inclement weather or other unplanned events.

For the 2021-2022 school year, we are implementing planned eLearning days throughout the school year. These days are intended for practicing the virtual delivery of instruction for grades 3-12 while Kindergarten-grade 2 will receive paper packets.

Students will have regularly assigned classwork on eLearning Days, and their teachers will be available via email. Students will be required to complete and submit all assignments as well as communicate with their teachers during the virtual eLearning days.

Teachers will be expected to track virtual attendance and be available to students during virtual office hours from 9:00am-10:30am and 12:00pm -1:30pm. Teachers can be reached through email which is posted on each school’s website which is also available on our CCSD webpage.