Welcome 5H Heroes

Welcome to 5th grade! I am so excited to be your teacher this year. This is my third year teaching at Chesterfield Elementary School, and I cannot wait to meet all of you. It is going to be a SUPER year!

My goal this year is to help you embrace all of the superpowers you possess and help you shine as the superhero you are. This may be through your academic success, having a positive mindset no matter what, having confidence and being a leader, or sharing the special qualities that make you unique. As superheroes we will work as a team to have a fantastic classroom community where we all use our light to help each other shine. Together, we will make this year AMAZING!

Some Super Facts About Me...

-Clearly I love superheroes! My favorites are Spiderman, Thor, and Groot.

-My favorite movie is Avengers: Endgame and my favorite TV shows are WandaVision and Loki.

-My favorite colors are pink and yellow.

-My favorite sports teams are the Eagles and 76ers!

-I have two dogs and two older brothers!

- I love to read and write.

what did ms. holloway do over summer vacation?

Over the summer, I...

  1. Went to Florida for a vacation with my family!

  2. Spent time outside with friends and family!

  3. Did art projects!

  4. Stayed active, happy, healthy, and positive!

What did you do over summer vacation? Click the 'send me an email' button above if you would like to share about and reflect on your summer!

sign up for Classtag here

ClassTag is a communication and messaging tool that allows me to post announcements and communicate quickly. Join using the link sent to your email or given to you at Back To School Night to stay up to date on all of our SUPER news!

classroom wishlist

Below is a list of supplies we can always use in our classroom throughout the year and often run out of as the year progresses. If you are able to send in any of these items, it would be be greatly appreciated!

  1. Hand Sanitizer

  2. Tissues

  3. Lysol Wipes

  4. Gallon Ziploc Bags

  5. Ziploc Bags (Other Sizes)