Dodd Middle School Athletics
All athletes who would like to try out for any Dodd athletic team, must use the FinalForms online platform to register and complete all required forms.
Attention to any fans that will be staying after school to watch the Dodd sporting events. All students must leave the building and Dodd property until 3:30. At that point you are welcome to come back and cheer on the team! Students found in the building waiting to watch the game will be asked to leave and not return.
List of Sports by Season:
Fall - Cross Country, Girls Field Hockey, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball
Winter - Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Cheerleading
Spring - Baseball, Softball, Boys Track & Field, Girls Track & Field
General Policies:
Students who wish to try out for a Dodd athletic team, must have a parent or guardian complete the online Athletics Registration Forms which may be found on the FinalForms link. The online forms include important information regarding Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Consent forms which are mandatory.
Students who wish to try out for a Dodd athletic team, must have a current physical on file in the Health Office (physicals are valid for thirteen months after the dated physical). Physicals need to be valid for the entire sports season. The current physical must be uploaded to the FinalForms site.
There is a $130 participation fee for each athletic team that is joined (payment via MySchoolBucks or check made payable to Dodd Middle School).
You are a student first and an athlete second. It is important that students are working toward passing grades in each subject to participate.
Students are expected to attend all practices and competitions. At the beginning of the season, the coach will inform team members of the consequences of absences other than for illness or family emergency.
Students participating in middle school athletics must attend Cheshire Public Schools.
Students are expected to attend all classes on the day of a competition. Students must be in school by 10:00 a.m. in order to participate in games held on that day.
Students are expected to travel to and from events on the team bus, accompanied by the coach. There is an "Athletics Transportation Permission" form that is completed which allows athletes to go home with a designated party following a contest.
Students are to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Standards of good sportsmanship should be demonstrated at all times.
Students who initiate fights or verbally abuse officials will be removed from the game and will be suspended for a minimum of one game.
We believe that developing self-advocacy is an important life skill and is a critical part of a student's athletic experience. Communication should start with the athlete and the coach. If more clarification is needed for a situation a meeting with the coach, athlete, administration or athletic director can be scheduled. Attempting to meet with a coach after a game is not the appropriate time for a meeting of this nature. We ask that you schedule a meeting to take place twenty four hours after a contest.
Additional rules and regulations will be determined by each coach.
Equipment and uniforms are on loan and are only to be worn when authorized by the coach. Uniforms or parts of uniforms may not be worn for P.E. classes.
If equipment is lost or stolen, the replacement cost will be charged to the student and collected by the main office.
Please note that no sporting equipment should be carried in the hallway during the school day. Equipment should be stored in a locker, coach's classroom or a designated space provided by the coaches..