US History

Analytical Research Paper

Have you taken the 9th grade library research pre-assessment? 


Start with the resources in the Issues and Controversies in American History database. Once you have selected your topic, read the article carefully and cite it in NoodleTools. This is the starting point for your research and the bulk of your evidence for your paper will come from this article.

Step #2: Finding academic sources to support your topic

Library Databases:

Use these databases for general research articles to support your topic

(En Español)

Use these databases to learn about arguments and counter claims related to your topic

Search for Print Books: 

Search eBook Collections:


Click here for all CCHS research databases and eBook collections

Primary Sources:

Think about the people who left behind the primary source. Was what they knew different than what we know? How did they know it? 


Remember to be critical of any website you find on the general web!

Additional Help:

Finalizing the Research Process

Contact a Teacher-Librarian for Additional Assistance: