Digital Citizenship

K-1: Staying safe online is a lot like staying safe in our neighborhood! In this video, students learn the "Internet Traffic Light" poem, helping them understand what to do if they come across a site that isn't right for them.

2nd Grade: Students explore the amazing possibilities that come with using technology. They'll also learn from the Digital Citizens, who take a pledge to be safe, responsible, and respectful when traveling through the online world.

3rd Grade: In the online world, we might think about how what we do affects ourselves. But what about others? In this lesson, students learn about a framework -- the rings of responsibility -- to understand how to balance their responsibilities as digital citizens. The key is in understanding how the ripple effect of our actions affects both ourselves and others.

4th Grade: Students can create digital superheroes who exhibit exemplary attributes and are able to solve digital dilemmas in responsible ways each and every day.

5th Grade: It's an unfortunate truth of the internet: Some online spaces can be full of negative, rude, or downright mean behavior. But what kinds of behaviors qualify as cyberbullying? Help your students learn what is -- and what isn't -- cyberbullying, and give them important tools they'll need to combat the problem.