
General Science: Physics
Syllabus: Calendar and Grading

Typical Week

You should expect to work most days of the week, though you are always welcome to work ahead (or negotiate alternate due days).  Work is due on the last day listed at 11:59 pm (unless it is in-person). Note that week 1 will be significantly different. Please see Canvas for more details. 

Online Class Schedule

Hybrid Class Schedule

In addition to the above time commitments, you should also have some time available in your weekly schedule for make-up work. For example, you might get sick, have a family emergency, or need to resubmit some work.

Spring Term Schedule and Topics

Please see Canvas for more details. Chemeketa is closed 5/27.  Nothing will be due this day, though you may work at home without the expectation of support.



Note: all points listed below are approximate. I might make subtle adjustments during the term. See below for more details on the various categories of work.

Letter Grades

Percentages may be rounded up at the discretion of the instructor.

Grading Principles

File Formats

Lab reports and written homework must be submitted as a single pdf only. Please always name your files with your name and the name of the assignment included. Always submit images right side up. Do not ever take photos of your monitor; take screenshots instead. Work that is submitted in an unapproved format may be returned for resubmission or given a grade of zero.

Details for Assigned Work

All of this work is designed to help you learn physics. If you find that anything is "busy work" (of no apparent value to you), then please engage me in a discussion.

Grading Policies