Annual Conference 2022

What's on
Wednesday 23 November

8.45am Registration, networking and exhibition viewing

9.30am Introduction to Day One
Hayley Selway
Chief Executive, Cardiff Community Housing Association

9.35am Welcome and Scene Setting
Stuart Ropke
Chief Executive, Community Housing Cymru

9.50am Keynote speech and Q&A
Emma Williams
Director of Housing and Regeneration

In a time of great social and economic change, how can we work collaboratively in Wales to make sure that this reduces rather than compounds inequality?Emma will offer her thoughts on the need to create more social equity in Wales and the impact the social housing sector can have in delivering this.

10.30am A chance for a cuppa and a chat

11.00am Keynote speech: How do we reduce inequality in Wales?
Liz Zeidler
CEO, Centre for Thriving Places


The pandemic and cost of living crisis have exacerbated the economic and social challenges that communities in Wales face. A good quality of life for all is an ambition that remains unfulfilled. What's the scale of this challenge in 2022 and in the future, and how might public institutions, private businesses and not-for-profits contribute to delivering more social equity?

11.30am Panel session: Working towards greater social equity in Wales

Reducing inequality, raising living standards and resilient communities are areas that the sector impacts both directly and indirectly, but wider macro factors such as economic growth, decarbonisation, public policy and political institutions are critical to achieving better social equity. What are some of the things that need to change at the big picture level where our sector and others can make a transformative difference?Hayley Selway
Chief Executive, Cardiff Community Housing Association
Liz Zeidler
CEO, Centre for Thriving Places
Dr Rachel Minto
Wales Governance Centre, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University
Professor Uzo Iwobi OBE
Founder and CEO, Race Council Cymru

12.15pm Lunch and Networking

1.30pm Sub plenaries:

Making better business decisions for our organisations, tenants and communities
Sorting Room Bar

The quality of an organisation's decision-making is crucial to how well it performs. What are the factors that can make a big difference to the effectiveness of this and how can innovative thinking help?Sarah Weller
Co-founder, Element
Jemma Jackson
Co-founder, Element

What does good listening look like in practice and how do you know you are doing it well?
Telegraph Room

In an increasingly digitised world of service delivery and interaction, taking time to listen to your tenants and staff is key to ensuring your organisation is truly delivering for its customers' needs.Helen Scurr
Company Director, Ark Consultancy

Andrew Myatt
Director of Communities and Housing, Tai Calon

Everyone Economy
Conference Room

The influence of our sector's leaders, from directors to frontline staff, is crucial to serving the communities we are in really well. But what can leaders do to create significant progress on equality, diversity and inclusion and how can we utilise all the talent and perspectives in our workforce?Daisy Hopper
Head of Policy & Innovation, Chartered Management Institute
Afshan Iqbal
Senior Project Officer- Get into housing, Cardiff Community Housing Association

2.30pm A chance for a cuppa and a chat

2.45pm Talking Shop Understanding the cost of living crisis
Conference Room, Exhibition Room and Sorting Room Bar

An opportunity to swap ideas with delegates and gain new insights from a selection of independent partners and organisations in Wales into how housing associations can help tenants during the continuing cost of living crisis.Clare Budden – Conference Room
Group Chief Executive, ClwydAlyn
Luke Young – Exhibition Room
Head of Policy & Campaigns, Citizens Advice Cymru
Katie Dalton – Sorting Room Bar
Director, Cymorth Cymru

3.30pm Keynote speech: Cultivating a clear mindset through change and challenge to enable better decision making
Gina Buckney
Director, Your People Power

4.15pm Conference reflections

5.00pm AGM
Telegraph Room

6.30pm Drinks Reception
Exhibition Room

7.00pm Conference dinner

What's on
Thursday 24 November

8.45am Registration, networking and exhibition viewing

9.35am Introduction to Day Two
Clare Budden
p Chief Executive, ClwydAlyn

9.40am Creating and keeping trust – improving and transforming reputation and service delivery

Social housing associations are vital anchors in our communities. To play our part in creating a social settlement, engagement, credibility and trust are important characteristics of how we are perceived by tenants and partners.

How can we build on levels of trust in an ever increasing digital world so that we are better placed to play a stronger role in facilitating more social equity?
Clare Budden (Chair)
Group Chief Executive, ClwydAlyn
Naomi Williams
Managing Partner and Co-Owner, Camlas
Richard Harries
Associate Director, Institute of Community Studies
Meredith Gardiner
Head of Partnerships and Assurance, Cardiff & Vale University Health Board
Helen White
Chief Executive, Taff Housing

10.30am A chance for a cuppa and a chat

11.00am Panel session: Planning for tomorrow today – achieving the change we need

Providing safe, affordable and high-quality homes is a fundamental pillar of what our sector does. But delivering more of these is proving challenging.How can we ramp up delivery between now and 2036? What needs to change in the planning system reform to enable this? How do we make sure there are sufficient strategic and technical skills to support this ambition? How do we achieve good foresight of the homes needed to serve the needs of diverse communities over the next decade?Clare Budden (Chair)
Group Chief Executive, ClwydAlyn

Elfed Roberts
Head of Sustainability and Innovation, Pobl Group
Dr Roisin Willmott
Director of Wales and Northern Ireland, Royal Town Planning Institute
Sophie Camburn
Director, Integrated City Planning, Arup
Rhys Griffiths
Business Relationship Manager, Open University

12.00pm A chance for a cuppa and a chat

12.30pm Panel session: Working in partnership with local government

Working together with local government partners can be a powerful tool to achieve the sector’s housing goals. Improved resources, capacity and sharing of risks are especially helpful when budgets are getting tighter and costs are getting higher.However, this isn't always straightforward, so how can we create the best partnerships possible?Clare Budden (Chair)
Group Chief Executive, ClwydAlyn

Luke Takeuchi
Chief Executive,
RHA Wales
Councillor Huw Thomas
Leader of the Council, Cardiff City Council
Joanne Oak
Chief Executive,
Valleys to Coast
Sara Burch
Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities, Monmouthshire County Council

1.30pm Lunch and networking

2.30pm Panel session: Sector views How can HAs weather the storm and step up for communities?

As focal points in their communities, how can HAs provide support and capacity to the people in their care in uncertain times?Clarissa Corbisiero (Chair)
Director of Policy & External Affairs, CHC

Alan Brunt
Chief Executive, Bron Afon Community Housing
Dr Frances Harkin
Head of
Services, HACT
Jas Bains
Chief Executive, Hafod


3.15pm Keynote speech: Overcoming adversity
Maggie Alphonsi MBE
Former England rugby player and rugby commentator


4.00pm Conference reflections and Close