Algebra 2

Algebra 2 Summer Math Enrichment.pdf

Algebra 2 Summer Math Enrichment

Click on the document to open.

Refresh important algebra skills for success in any Algebra 2 courses.

Use the websites below to help with these skills.

Copy of M217_Rev_Factoring_WS2.pdf

Summer Factoring Refresher

Click on the document to get a list of practice problems in the art of factoring.

Functions Summer Packet.pdf
Functions Summer Solutions.pdf

Functions Summer Review Packet

Click on the documents to open.

Refresh important algebra skills for success in the Functions course.

Use the websites below to help with these skills.

Functions:  Chapter P Completed Notes

Click on the document in order to have access to the prerequisite chapter notes for the Functions class.  Work through these examples in order to familiarize yourself with the initial unit of study.

Website Resources:

Khan Academy Videos and Exercises

For Algebra 2 help

For additional Functions help

Using the Curriculum Map for your class posted above, search and choose the skills you would like to work on this summer.


Go to IXL

Enter your username:  StudentID#@cherryhill

Enter your password:  123456

Using the Curriculum Map for your class posted above, search and choose the skills you would like to work on this summer.

Desmos Activities

Go to Desmos 

Sign in using your school google account

Choose an activity below and enter the code

Match My Parabola: XEJK57

Will It Hit the Hoop?: UFHD3Q

Build a Bigger Field: KJXRZW

Parabola Slalom: UP3VY9

Marble Slides: AKQQWH

Card Sort: BPC4F6

Writing Rules: DTQ3PY 

Kuta Software Extra Practice

Go to Kuta

Using the Curriculum Map for your class posted above, search and choose the skills you would like to work on this summer.

New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning


Choose a unit

Choose an activity

Using the Curriculum Map for your class posted above, search and choose the skills you would like to work on this summer.
