Community Service

Remind Code @37ek3a

NEW Google Classroom Code on sri3w4d


On Twitter: @CHWCommServ and @sraschneid

The Community Service Organization at West is a club and an opportunity to earn credit at West. If you like helping others, you have two choices:

  1. Join the club and just keep up with opportunities to help out. You have no obligation but are welcome to help out!!

  2. Join the club And the class. Requirements to pass the course are 26.5 hours per semester for a total of 53 hours per year. Up to 25 hours completed in the summer do count! In doing this you will receive credits on your transcript!! If you want to do this, you MUST sign up for Community Service with your guidance counselor and have it added to your schedule. You will be required to keep up with communication wish Ms. Schneider and complete a log and reflection. See required paperwork below.

As a result of COVID and because we are not a regularly scheduled class, it is extremely important that you check classroom and respond to messages from Ms. Schneider regularly!! It is also important that you are PROACTIVE about getting your hours. Start early and slow and steady since some events might be cancelled.

A few suggestions-

  1. follow your passion, both what you CARE about and what you are GOOD at or would like to get better at and find ways to make that in

  2. Don't keep it to yourself!! Share what you are doing and working on!! This inspires others!!

  3. If you can't find something that works for you, create it and recruit others to help you. That is also what I am here for!

January Recap: We made signs to brighten up around town! We brought cookies to Unforgotten Haven for the holidays!! We are helping to distribute food at Kilmer on Tuesday evenings!

In February: We are making Valentine' s Day cards for healthcare workers and the elderly. We are doing another drive for Cathedral Kitchen

Make a flyer offering help with your contact info. What is needed that you could do? Babysitting? Lawn Care? Pet sitting? Keeping a Senior company? Tutoring? Organizing items?

Help your community and your neighbors, free of charge! They get the help they need, you get community service hours and made the world a better place!!

Write a letter, make a card. Send to someone in a senior citizen home, a soldier deployed, etc and brighten up their day!!

Make signs and/or chalk art to brighten up people's days.

Make a video about community service. Why is it important? What has it meant in your life? This will be used to promote the club with others.

Many organizations need money or donations. Organize a drive for people to donate certain items OR a fundraiser to raise money and then donate all the proceeds to the organization.

Solicit donations from companies and then use the donations- ex make bags for people in need or pb & jelly sandwiches using donations. The time it takes soliciting donations also counts toward community service hours!!

Great ideas Part 1

Great ideas Part 2

How to start a project! I am step 3!!