Join the band family!
Problem Solving
Arts Appreciation
Value Judgments
Frequently Asked Questions!
Q: What fun things will we do in band?
A: The best reward is learning to play an instrument and being able to make music! Band students also get to experience many parties, trips, concerts, competitions & performances throughout the year and have the opportunity to participate in high school band!
Q: When does band meet?
A: Band is a curricular class that meets primarily during the school day. Each student attends a weekly rehearsal during their AM Advisory period (Period 1/8am) as well as a weekly small group lesson which is scheduled on a rotating period schedule (see lesson schedule). After school rehearsals are also held prior to each concert.
Q: Can band students participate in sports, dance etc. while taking Band?
A: Absolutely! We encourage our band members to participate in athletics and other school activities. Many of our band members are star athletes and cheerleaders at Carusi as well as leaders in their academic classes! You can also participate in Chorus while being in band.
Q: Who will be in Band?
A: Band is one of the largest student groups at Carusi with more than 130 members. Many friends and fellow classmates from all houses and all grades will join you in what will be some of the most exciting times of your school years. Band students are often school leaders and among the most successful students at Carusi.
Q: Do I have to know anything about music to join Band?
A: Most of our band students started on their instruments in 4th grade however we do offer beginner classes for new students on select instruments.
Q: How do I get an instrument?
A: Most students initially rent from a music company with an option to buy the instrument at a later date. Some students borrow or purchase a used instrument. If you wish to purchase or otherwise obtain a used instrument, please let us help you evaluate it before you invest. An inferior quality instrument can be frustrating to play and possibly cost more in repairs than the instrument is worth. Some school-owned instruments are avaialble on a limited basis.
Q: Can I switch instruments?
A: Maybe but it takes a lot of work! We offer beginner classes each year on select instruments.