
  1. My first game

Double click on this very short 2 minutes to learn from a kid like you and create your first game. friends.

You can do it!

2. Share your game

Double click on this 22 minutes video.  Yes, it is longer but you will be proud of what you can get to share and publish after moving through.  No coding required at this stage.  Make sure you share with your teacher!

Your hard work will be rewarded!

3. Make your own character

Last video in this orientation page and it is only 10 minutes.  You can now make your game your very own because you are the creator of the character and you start scripting too!

Make sure you share with your teachers and friends your original game.

Basics of creating a game using prototype assets

2.24 minutes only - good place to start if you are new and struggling.

Hope you had fun!  Ready for more?

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