Northside Elementary
Gifted Education
Who is this site for? Everyone!
Does your child have unending curiosity? Do they get into trouble when they're bored by trying to make their own entertainment? Good grades and perfect behavior doesn't mean giftedness. Find out more about what "gifted" really means on the Family Resources page, and let students explore the For Students page for challenging and/or creative activities.
In a community teeming with academic, intellectual and technological resources, and connected to a world of endless possibilities, it is the vision of the Northside Elementary Gifted Program to provide differentiated education services to challenge and nurture the unique gifts in each of our high-ability and high-potential students and to prepare them to be the dynamic thinkers, the creative problem solvers, and the compassionate leaders their world demands.
Our gifted education services are delivered in collaboration between the gifted education specialist and the classroom teachers to provide enrichment, extension, and acceleration of the regular literacy and math curricula. This enables us to meet the academic needs of each individual student.
If you have questions or need further information, please feel free to contact the gifted education specialist.