MMS Pride Issue 6

New Student Interview with Jack Berreth

  1. Were you excited for 6th grade?
    1. Yes, but it was a little hectic
  2. What school sport do you want to play next year?
    1. Cross Country sounds like it could be fun
  3. What electives did you sign up for this year?
    1. Dual language, theater, and exploring technology
  4. What team are you on? Who is your favorite teacher?
    1. Voyagers, My favorite teacher is Mrs. Dreaher
  5. Do you have any siblings? What are their names, age, and grade?
    1. Kate Berreth, 14, 9th grade
Book Recommendation- Eloise Vaisey
Football interview
Art work pictures
Field hockey player interview
Spooky stories for halloween by Julia Lubrano
Untitled document