Our child is identified gifted based on our school district. How will we know that our child will receive gifted services when we move to CHCCS?

We will serve new-to-district students when presented with documented participation in a gifted program in their previous school district. We anticipate that by implementing more inclusive identification and services, students can be matched with the appropriate level of service. While nominations/referrals are ongoing, the identification window for all students is in early Spring.

What is the difference between school-based gifted education services and LEAP?

School-based services are provided in a child’s home school and are available in language arts and/or math to students whose intellectual abilities and academic achievement are gifted or highly gifted.

Learning Environment for Advanced Programming (LEAP) is a self-contained program for highly gifted students whose academic needs in all core subjects may not be adequately met with differentiation in the regular classroom. LEAP students generally have intellectual abilities and academic achievement in the top 1% of the general population. All Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools middle school students who qualify for LEAP services attend the LEAP cohort housed at Smith Middle School.

Who decides if my child qualifies for services?

Criteria for identification for all gifted education services have been determined by the district and published in the district plan for gifted education. Decisions about LEAP placement are made by a committee at the Central Offices of CHCCS at the Lincoln Center. School-based gifted specialists assist with testing, but do not make placement decisions for LEAP.

Determination of eligibility for school-based services is made by a school-based team, including the Gifted Education Specialist and a group of classroom teachers and administrators. Along with the Gifted Education Team, I will be handling the nomination and assessment process for gifted services at Phillips.

How is middle school gifted services different from those of elementary schools?

Our district has had two Gifted Ed. Specialists who have been half-time in each middle school from 2016 - 2018. To optimize the Gifted Ed. Specialists' expertise, they met with Instructional Planning Team every quarter to provide models, strategies, and support for classroom teachers. The Middle School Gifted PLC (Professional Learning Community) has met every week to collaborate with each other. From the new school year 2018 - 2019, we will have a full-time Gifted Ed. Specialist in each middle school to assist with each school's gifted services.

How can students properly receive gifted services based on Differentiation Education Plan(DEP) when you have such large numbers?

We have a large support system that includes the GES and instructional coaches in addition to our highly qualified teachers and counselors. It is through collaboration that we are able to meet the needs of our students. We also have enrichment opportunities, electives, and clubs that help meet academic, intellectual, and social needs.

Is there an advanced Language Arts class at the middle school level just like advanced Math classes?

Students are given more rigorous and/or accelerated work based on their academic and intellectual needs and ongoing classroom assessments.

If my child was identified as gifted in another district will he/she be automatically identified and receive services here?

With appropriate documentations of abilities and achievement, our school may be able to recognize and accept gifted identification from counties; however, if your child came from a different state, we will have to cycle through our nomination and identification process. Your child will be grouped with other like-ability students in the classroom and receive differentiated instruction based on the documentations from your former district.

Is compacted math part of the gifted program?

Compacted math is not part of the gifted program although acceleration is part of gifted programming. We have both gifted identified and non-gifted students who qualify for Compacted Math. Please consult Mr.Ware, our principal in each school for more information.

What is the criteria used for placing students in compacted math?

Please refer to the district's criteria for guidance and contact Mr.Ware, our principal for guidance.

Who can nominate students for gifted services?

Students can be nominated by parents, teachers, community members, and they can self-nominate. The deadline to nominate your child is January 12, 2019.

What tests are used to determine identification and when are the tests administered?

We use the CogAt (an aptitude test) and the ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) as part of the identification process. The tests are usually administered between the months of February and March. Please look under the tab "Testing Information" in my website for details.

When will I know the results on my child's gifted identification?

You will be notified of the results during the month of May.