Tropical Rainforest

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This article will give you an overview of the rainforest.    Click on the level 1 at the top of the article for a shorter, more concise version.

Learn about the climate and wildlife of the rainforest in this topic overview.

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EBSCO eBooks through NCEdCloud

These ebooks give information about biomes, rainforests, and the animals and plants found in them.

EBSCO eBooks through NCEdCloud

These ebooks give information about biomes, rainforests, and the animals and plants found in them.

EBSCO eBooks through NCEdCloud

These ebooks give information about biomes, rainforests, and the animals and plants found in them.

eBooks on Epic

Use your Epic class code to access these ebooks.   Don't forget that books on grasslands may talk about both prairies and savannahs.