
Create a university shortlist

To take the hassle out of creating a university shortlist the Complete University Guide have created Uniselect. With Uniselect you can create your own personal list of universities based on your answers to a few simple questions. Choose where in the UK you’d like to study, the location and campus type, customise the choices based on the subjects and sports you’d like the universities to offer and Uniselect will serve you a list of unis for you to research further. You can make as many shortlists as you like based on different preferences and they can be saved to your profile to come back to later. 

Uniselect uses the high-quality data that we are known for to help prospective students narrow down their options from the 130 UK universities and 60,000 courses featured in our league tables.  

Narrow down your university shortlist

Once you are happy with the shortlists Uniselect has generated for you, it’s time to make them even shorter.

To help you narrow down your list to your final five university choices, we've put together a list of questions for you to think about: 

While it’s good to aim high you want to minimise the amount of rejections you may get so you have a wider choice when offers start to come in. Try not to add to many choices to your UCAS application that you are unsure of getting into. 

Open days are a fantastic way to help you decide if a uni is right for you. 

Can i afford to live in the area of the Uni

With everyone stretched for cash at the moment, it's good to look at your budget.  

Take a look at some of our advice on budgeting and accommodation prices to help you out:   

If you are planning on living at home and commuting to university the Uniselct map will show you how far away you are from campus. If you will be moving away you’ll need to do some research into commute between you accommodation and campus. You should be able to find this information on the university website.  

You can find further information about travel in our regional and city guides and read our saving money on travel advice.

League Tables

While Uniselect shows the overall ranking for your shortlisted unis, in your final stage it may be good to delve a little deeper into our league tables. You can look at how well they do by subject or region and by a number of other measures including student satisfaction and graduate outcomes using the table filters.

For any university you apply to, you should be able to answer these questions positively. If you still have too many possible options, focus on your main priorities and rule out the ones that don’t perform as well in these areas. 

Links to a few Universities in the East of England