

The purpose of the Chattahoochee County Middle School counseling program is to provide students with comprehensive services to address their individual needs.


The mission of the Chattahoochee County Middle School counseling program is to provide comprehensive school counseling services to all students. Services will be utilized to support students as they prepare for college and career readiness, grow into productive contributors to society, and journey to become a Chattco graduate. 


The Chattahoochee County Middle School counseling program will create a welcoming, academic environment in which students are supported in their individual, social, emotional, and academic needs. 

Informed Consent

School counseling services are available to all students at CCMS. Services may be provided through classroom guidance lessons, small groups, or one on one sessions. 

All information discussed between the counselor and the student will be kept confidential with the following exceptions. School counselors are mandated to report if:

-A student is a danger to themselves or someone else.

-There is evidence of abuse or neglect.

-There is a threat to school safety.