Teaching Tools and Helpful Links


Child Peace Books (Database of anti-bias books)

Oyate (A Guide for Evaluating Children’s Books for Anti-Native American Bias)

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (Lesson plans, fact sheets on Islam)

Learn Psychology (Awareness and Prevention of Bullying)

How to be a Student Activist

Teaching for Change (Resources for building Social Justice in the classroom)

Teaching Tolerance (Lesson plans and classroom resources)

Zinn Education Project (Resources that can be sorted by time period or theme)

NEA Multicultural Book List

*Note: The above resources are supplementary resource suggestions. Teachers should follow policy 7700 when using topics that could be political in nature. All instructional materials should support the Goals and Objectives of the Educational Program (Policy 3000) and should be aligned with grade level standards.


*Note: The above resources are supplementary resource suggestions. Teachers should follow policy 7700 when using topics that could be political in nature. All instructional materials should support the Goals and Objectives of the Educational Program (Policy 3000) and should be aligned with grade level standards.