Milton Express

October 30, 2020

Message from the Principal

I want to thank you for your continued support and cooperation in working in partnership with us to ensure the health and safety of our students, staff, and families during these unique times. As we venture into November, here are some key reminders:

  • Being Outdoors: We will continue to bring our students outside as often as possible. We use the real feel temperature of 20 degrees when determining whether or not we will be outside for arrival, dismissal, and physical education classes. Please keep this in mind when choosing appropriate outfits for school.

  • Google Classroom/Live Meets: Your child’s teacher has been teaching the students how to navigate Google Classroom which includes, but is not limited to, how to access assignments as well as how to submit those assignments. It is essential that the children submit their Google Classroom assignments correctly so that the teachers can assess their work, as well as avoid using a lot of time in tracking down missed virtual assignments. In addition, the students need to make sure they are on time and attending the live Google Meets that are scheduled by the classroom teacher during the virtual hour of the day (2:05-3:05pm). It is expected that your child is engaged in assignments or attending scheduled Meets with the classroom teacher during that hour of time. Your assistance in monitoring this from home would be greatly appreciated.

I also highly recommend that our families review the information presented in this link. This was taken from the district website and it provides valuable tutorials related to the technology that we are using at the K-3 level. The first set of tutorials in this link is particularly helpful in that it outlines the ins and outs of using Google Classroom from home.

  • Virtual Attendance: Please remember, in order for a child to receive full credit for attendance, he/she must attend school virtually for a minimum of four hours. If this number of hours is not reached, the child will be marked absent.

  • Dismissal: Our arrival and dismissal procedures have been running very smoothly and safely. I want to take this time to reiterate that all parents should be entering the back of the school via the sidewalk near the preschool playground. Parents should not be walking to the back of the building near the sheds and parking lot. Thank you for your cooperation!

  • Quarantine: The CDC defines quarantine as, “Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others.” If a staff member or student has to quarantine, it is expected that that person is not in contact with others during that time period, including outside of the school building.

Please continue to remain safe and healthy!

November Highlights and Reminders

November 1 - Daylight Saving Time Ends - Don't forget to turn your clocks back!

November 3 - School Closed for Election Day

November 19 - Picture Retake Day - Information to follow

November 26 and 27 - School Closed for Thanksgiving Recess

Please remember to submit the COVID-19 form in the Parent Portal by 7:30 am. so your student can enter the building and start their school day!

Counselor Corner

October has been a busy month, and our school year is in full swing. The first week of the month is recognized in all NJ public schools as the week of respect and our students took part in a MAS spirit week and read a story about inclusiveness called "All are Welcome."

I was able to visit most classrooms and will continue to make my rounds to welcome the students back. During my visit I ready a story and had a discussion with the class. I chose two books to read : Lucy's Mask and Be Kind.

I hope you and your child have had the opportunity to visit my virtual counseling office. There are many resources and activities to explore.

I continue to split my time between Milton and Washington schools, please reach out with any concerns or questions via email.


News from our School Nurse, Erin Zotti

Thank you for visiting my Virtual Health Office. Please click the items for links to CDC, NJDOH, SDOC's Virtual Relaxation Room, Rules to Return to School and SDOC forms, Red Cross CPR info, and more.

As always, please reach out to me with any question.


Please pay your PTO Dues ($20/student) & General Fun:

Block Captains are Needed

Block Captains are needed for the annual MAS Luminaria Sale. For every kit sold, the MAS PTO receives a portion of the proceeds. An easy, fun job that you can do with your children! Block Captains are asked to distribute order forms to homes on their street or neighborhood, receive the order forms and distribute kits to neighbors who order (kits are delivered directly to the captain's home). We have several neighborhoods in need of a captain--sign up is available at Sign Up here.

Trivia Night is Here!

Click here and Register now!