Milton Express

September 30, 2020

Message from the Principal

Opening our doors on the first day of school, and welcoming our students back after being away since March 2020, was such a rewarding experience! Although the procedures and images we have grown accustomed to seeing at the beginning of the year looked different due to our routines followed under Plan A of reopening, it was great to have all members of our learning community back together again! This past month of school has been characterized by new learning on the parts of everyone in our school.


Our dedicated staff members rolled up their sleeves and tried to learn the best ways to promote learning for both the students in the classroom, as well as those who attend virtually. I have the honor of seeing the teachers each day and I promise that they are working so hard, and they continue to show their commitment to learning despite the new challenges and methodologies involved with this new way of learning. We are so fortunate to have our staff, and you will never find a more dedicated group of professionals anywhere else!


This past month was also a new learning experience for our students. In the past, we would make sure that the students understand the routines and procedures in the classroom. Those routines looked quite different as the students were also responsible for learning some of the expectations related to Google Meets and other forms of technology. Although the students will continue to learn these routines as they experience them, it is important to remind them of the following expectations during a Google Meet:

  1. Make sure your child is muted. Stay muted unless asked by your teacher to ask a question or contribute to a class discussion.

  2. Have the camera on so the teacher can see you and work with you.

  3. Wait on the teacher to call on you when you want to contribute your thoughts or ideas.

  4. A full listing of Google Meet Expectations can be found here.


Whether your child is attending school in a full-virtual format, or your child is present in the building, all of our students have a portion of their day dedicated to virtual learning. Although the expectations for the virtual hour in the afternoon are different across Grades 1-3, the students may have the opportunity to engage in a live Google Meet with the teacher. When this occurs, please keep in mind the following parent expectations as outlined on the district website:

  1. Parents may not appear in a Google Meet with their child.

  2. Parents may not interfere in a virtual lesson. This includes posting comments during the lesson.

  3. Parents may not record a Google Meet.

As we continue to navigate this new world of education, please know that we are committed as a school to promote the best learning opportunities for all of our students. We ask that all members of our learning community remain patient and flexible as we journey through these new procedures for the very first time. Although there may be many questions along the way, please know that the teachers and I will try our best to reply to you within 24 hours. We are all working towards the same common goal, and as a team we will continue to work together in allowing our students to reach their fullest potential!

October Highlights

Please remember to submit the COVID-19 form in the Parent Portal by 7:30 am each day your child will be at school!

October 1 - Picture Day

October 6-8 - Second Grade Bike Test

October 8 - Virtual PTO Meeting via Zoom (see PTO NEWS for link information)

October 9 - Virtual Duathlon

Reminders for Virtual Learners

Tips to Help Make Virtual Learning Positive and Effective:

  • Show up to class on time and be prepared to learn.

  • Refrain from eating during instructional time.

  • Find a spot in your home conducive for learning.

  • Keep your camera on during lessons.

  • Remain on “Mute” unless your teacher instructs you to turn on the volume.

  • Have materials prepared and ready for learning.

  • Attend Specials classes through their respective Google Classrooms.

Click on the image to see a fun video highlighting our students!


News from our School Nurse, Erin Zotti

Welcome new families and welcome back all students and MAS staff! Please review our Health Services and Attendance on the Milton Avenue School website.

*Please update your child’s Emergency contacts in the Parent Portal. We need to have an alternate contact besides the student’s primary caregiver in case of a medical or unforeseen emergency.

Contagious Illnesses: Please keep up to date on our district policies and procedures for illness and returning to school after an illness.

Rules for Return

Required exclusion time for contagious diseases


Counselor Corner

News from our Guidance Counselor, Carole Soder

Welcome back to the school year. I know there have been many changes to our school buildings since we were last here in the spring. I am very pleased that we are back to school in person. Our students are adjusting to these changes quite nicely but I do encourage you to let me know if you have any concerns related to your childś adjustment and well being at school.

I am currently the school counselor at Milton and Washington Avenue schools. This is due to the fact that the counselor at WAS has retired. I am the counselor for both buildings until the new counselor is hired for Washington. This means a change to my schedule as I will be alternating a 2-3 day rotation in each building.

I have created a resource for parents and students to use at home, it is a virtual counseling office. Here is the link Soder Bitmoji Office

Inside you will see resources within 5 different rooms, topics include: emotional regulation, mindfulness, literature with read alouds, music, games and lots more! I hope you enjoy and have a great school year!

And as a reminder, the first full week of October is a Week of Respect. As in years past, we will celebrate with a week of activities and fun, including a spirit week!


Please pay your PTO Dues ($20/student) & General Fun:

Book Fair: We are pleased to announce our Fall Book Fair will be virtual this year. The book fair will take place for 2 weeks, beginning Monday, September 28 - Friday, October 9. Follow this link to the Book Fair: Milton will earn 30% of book purchases on every purchase during our book fair. This money will go directly to MAS and our PTO.

Picture Day: Picture Day will be held at MAS on Thursday, October 1. Photos MUST be purchased online this year. You can order your photos by logging onto: and entering our Picture Day ID: EVTHQGB79.

Spiritwear: The MAS Spiritwear shop is open. Start the school year off showing your Cougar pride! We have many new items available. Sale is ending on October 4, so don't wait! Shop at

Virtual PTO Meeting: October 8 @9-9:40am via Zoom

Guest: Erin Zotti, MAS School Nurse

Meeting ID: 766 9710 2206

Passcode: 2YZZVK