Milton Express

May 27, 2021

Message from the Principal

It is hard to believe that the end of the school year is only weeks away! Throughout the year, your child has learned a tremendous amount of new information and skills. The month of June will provide many opportunities for the students to reflect upon their accomplishments and prepare them for the next school year ahead.

During the month of June, we have planned some move up days for children in grades kindergarten through second. The children will have the opportunity to visit and meet a classroom teacher and students from their upcoming grade level in a safe manner outside. This will give your child the opportunity to learn more about next year’s grade level from the children who successfully completed that grade. Students in third grade will be able to meet with virtual buddies in fourth grade from Lafayette. These days were planned with the intent of allowing the transition from one grade level to the next to be smooth and exciting.

As we begin to bring this current school year to a close, please continue to closely monitor and read any correspondence sent out from the school. Some of this correspondence will relate to such items as the collection of Chromebooks, as well as details related to a third grade clap out.

We look forward to a great last month of school!



Team up for Turtles was a great success! Milton students met the challenge and completed over 2000 activities that helped care for the Earth! Milton received adoption certificates and photos of each of our adopted sea turtles. We are so proud of our students!


Nola and Yurtle are juvenile Kemp's Ridley turtles that were stranded in the cold waters off Massachusetts and were unable to migrate. Both are receiving care and treatment from Sea Turtle Recover at Turtle Back Zoo and will be released once they are healthy.

June Highlights and Reminders

School will be closed Friday, May 28 and Monday, May 31 for the Memorial Day weekend.

June 12 is the Milton Mile! Detailed information can be found below.

June 15 - Report Cards available in Parent Portal


June 16 - Grades 1-3… 8:35 am-1:05 pm (Plan A hours)... NO VIRTUAL AFTERNOON

AM Kindergarten... 8:35 am-11:25 am

Virtual PM Kindergarten....12:15 - 3:05 pm (Normal hours)

AM PreK…8:40 am-11:00 am

Full Day PreK… 9:00 am-12:00 pm

There is NO PM Kindergarten or PM Preschool on June 16

June 17 - Grades 1-3… 8:35 am-1:05 pm (Plan A hours)... NO VIRTUAL AFTERNOON

PM Kindergarten … 8:35 am-11:25 am (Note earlier hours)

PM PreK… 8:40 am-11:00 am (Note earlier hours)

Full Day PreK… 9:00 am-12:00 pm

There is NO AM Kindergarten, AM Preschool, or Virtual Kindergarten on June 17

Moving? Please contact Sally Moreno, Central Registrar ( Student records will need to be sent to the new schools and the sooner we know, the better for each school. Even if you are only moving across the street, your home address should be updated in Genesis!

Please remember to submit the COVID-19 form in the Parent Portal. Forms should be completed by8:00 am so your student can enter the building and start their school day!


News from our School Nurse, Erin Zotti

A special thank you to the entire school and parent community for your continued communication to help ensure that our students and staff remain healthy this year. Just a reminder that if your child has any illness symptoms, please communicate them to me via email or by calling the Nurse Office 973-457-2546.

If you will be traveling outside of the immediate area during Memorial Day weekend, please refer to our Rules for Return.

Please continue to enter your child’s absence in the Parent Portal. The absence phone line no longer exists and emails are not acceptable as I may not be in the office on a particular day. Substitute nurses do not have access to emails.

Emergency medication pick-ups: If your child has any emergency medications in the Nurse Office, please make arrangements to pick up their medication by June 17th at 1:05pm. Medications cannot be sent home in your child’s backpack. Any medication left in the Nurse Office after that date will be disposed of.

*Reminder: Please practice safe habits with your child as the weather warms up.

  • Always wear a helmet when riding scooters or bicycles. All bicycles and scooters MUST be walked down to the entrance of the school to avoid injury.

  • Sunscreen should be applied at home before school. Sunscreen should not be sent in with your child to apply during the school day as small children tend to rub it into their eyes without supervision.

  • Send plenty of water for your child for the day. Headaches and dehydration can occur easily in higher temperatures.

Counselor Corner

It’s hard to believe the school year is almost over. There were many challenges this year for staff and students alike as we navigated school in a new way during the pandemic . I want to thank our third grade representatives who attended a google school climate committee meeting that I hosted this month . We talked to the students about their school experience, being in school with restrictions in place, and what their experiences were while being virtual. As educators, we often talk with one another about the challenges, but hearing it from our students perspective is equally as important and valuable. Our goal was to understand better their feelings and point of view as well as improve upon issues they brought to our attention.

Some of the topics we discussed were:

  • The benefits of being in school vs being completely virtual

  • The challenges of socializing while at school

  • The challenges of being virtual

  • Screen fatigue

  • Desk Shields

  • Recess

Please continue to email me with any questions or concerns.

Field Day and Special Events Day

Milton students in first, second and third grades participated in a special extended school day over three weeks in May (Kindergarten and Preschool students have their special day on June 7). Each grade had a special day to participate in different outdoor and indoor activities with their homeroom classes. Students were given t-shirts to wear for the day and followed a schedule of socially distanced and fun activities with their classmates. Children had a picnic lunch, enjoyed an ice pop and then had a chance to play with friends and classmates on the playground, with bubbles and sidewalk chalk, and at a dance party! Thank you to our PTO for supporting this fun day!

Third Grade

Second Grade

First Grade

Milton Mile

Mark your calendar! The Annual Milton Mile Fun Run/Walk will be held on Saturday, June 12 (Rain or Shine) at Cougar Field. All Milton students and their families are invited to join together for a one mile fun run. Parents are encouraged to run or walk with their child! Registration information can be found here.



Thank you to those who have volunteered for committee chairs for the 2021-22 school year. We are still in need of volunteers for Ways & Means and After School Enrichment, and coordinators for Community Pass, Morning Drop Off Coordinator and School Supply Kits! Whether you are a new or returning family, getting involved with the PTO is a great way to connect with other parents and learn more about our wonderful school community. We can match your time constraints, interests, and skills to volunteer opportunities whether you have 30 minutes or a couple of hours, work inside or outside of your home. To learn more, email Laura Bojanowski ( or visit our sign up.


The time has come to start preparing for the 2021/2022 school year by ordering your supply kits for next year! MAS is offering School Supply Kits through our vendor, 1ST Day School Supplies. The sale supports our PTO and saves you a trip to the store. All the supplies teachers have requested are one click away.

1st Day School Supply Order Form.

Please order your supplies for NEXT year’s grade by June 15, 2021. Kits will be delivered to your student’s classroom for the first day of school. Any questions, please contact Andrea Koulichkov (


Milton readers are continuing their awesome reading progress this year. May was another very good month of reading at Milton! Students read enough books to earn 5 additional books for the library. 1T earned two more books again this month. 1T now has dedicated a class total of 12 books and they will get to explore the pyramids of Egypt and Uluru in Australia! Congratulations to 1T for traveling the farthest this year! 2M and 3K are both now up to four books, so they will explore the Tower of London! 1D earned their third book, so they will get to visit Stonehenge in England.

In all, Milton readers have dedicated 36 books to the library this year! This has been another great year for the reading program. We hope everyone keeps up the impressive reading in June and over the summer.

Chatham Girl Scouts Playground Meet-up for Prospective Members

Interested in opportunities for your daughter to make friends, participate in community service projects, build confidence, and develop leadership skills to last a lifetime? You can learn more about the benefits of Girl Scout membership at a playground meet-up for prospective Girl Scouts and parents on Wednesday, June 2nd from 3:30-5pm at Washington Avenue School playground. If you have any questions or are interested in serving as a troop co-leader next year, please contact MAS troop coordinator, Laura Bojanowski at