Pamela Hays, Ph.D., created the ADDRESSING Model to inform people of the different characteristics that others may use to identify themselves. These include an individual's age, developmental disabilities, acquired disabilities, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, indigenous group membership, nationality, and gender. In addition, we also need to look at a person's physical attributes as part of their identity, as well as any other characteristics that make them unique.

Hurtful or insulting remarks OR jokes that are directed toward other students and are based on any of these characteristics may represent violations of the HIB policy.

  • Age

A power struggle can develop when students who are older use their age to intimidate or have power over students who are younger.

  • Developmental Disabilities/Acquired Disabilities

Hurtful or insulting remarks or actions that are made toward someone else because of a mental, physical or learning disability.

  • Religion

Someone's religion should not be used to insult or make fun of them.

  • Ethnicity

Discriminating against someone's ethnicity would include making comments about their culture, language, etc.

  • Sexual Orientation

Negatively perceived comments about someone's sexual orientation (i.e., lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, etc.) is discriminatory.

  • Socioeconomic Status

Discriminating against a person's socioeconomic status involves making negative remarks about the wealth of another student or his/her family. Examples could include making comments about students' possessions, their parents' careers, or the size of their homes.

  • Indigenous

Students should not be targeted with negative remarks/jokes based on their place of birth. This includes making fun of someone due to their immigrant status.

  • Nationality

Students should not be targeted with negative remarks/jokes based on their identified national background (i.e., Spanish, French, Mexican, Indian, Korean, Italian, English, etc.)

  • Gender

People should not be discriminated against based on their gender. Examples include making negative comments or jokes regarding the stereotypes of different genders.

  • Physical Attributes

Some of the most common discriminatory comments stem from people making remarks about another person's real or perceived physical attributes. Examples include making fun of another person's weight, height, hair color or facial features. In addition, it can also include negative comments that are made about another student's clothing or the fact that he/she wears glasses.

  • Other

When negative comments/jokes are made regarding any other characteristic that makes another person unique, this can still be considered an act of HIB.