Practical Assessment

Evaluation Pedagogy of Internal Component of 50 Marks

Rubrics for Evaluation (Component 1)

20 Marks – Software Requirement Specification Document

30 Marks – Quality of Work (Team work, Project Planning)

30 Marks – Creativity to provide the solution of the problem and Presentation skill

Note: 80 marks will be mapped to 20 marks

Rubrics for Evaluation (Component 2)

30 Marks – Quality of Work (Team work, Project Planning)

30 Marks – Creativity to provide the solution of the problem and Presentation skill

20 Marks Testing (Unit Test, Pen Test, API Test)

Note: 80 marks will be mapped to 20 marks

Rubrics for Evaluation (Component 3)

10 Marks – Final Report

General Instructions

1)       Group size: Minimum 3, Maximum 5

2)       Must have to use Excel template (link is given on the website)

Instructions for Presentation

1)   You need to appear in presentation in formal attire only.

2)     Your Presentation must be up to date with all the details and proof. [Presentation file, Live Demo, Course Completion Certificate in case you are enrolled in course for enhancing technical knowledge, Experiments done/results in case of research based project etc.]

3)   Presentation must be verified with your guide/ mentor before you present.

Presentation Guidelines

Following points should be included in your Project Presentation

1)     Title of Project, Guided By, Prepared By

2)   Project Definition

3)   Project Description

4)    Motivation: How did you get idea about project, is this type of project already developed before? Give justification for your answer yes or No

5)    Development Environment: Software and Hardware Requirements/ Tools and Technology [ You can also mention the names of courses that you have enrolled to accomplish your project work or any other program]

6)     Major Features/Functionalities

7)     Flow Chart (Graphical representation of your project)

8)   Live Demo

9)   References(References-you have to write exact link not, Wikipedia etc.)