Project & Research Hub Details

Research: Sentiment analysis for textual data with Deep Learning Approaches [Open]

Project Details:  [Project is Open  [2023-24] ]:  

Sentiment analysis is an ever-growing sub-field of natural language processing. There are many research works that have addressed the problems of SA from text, emoticon, images, and audio or videos separately. Very few researches have been done on emoticons for finding sentiments. Moreover, the related works section shows there is a scope for further extension in the field of SA with both text and emoticon. Therefore, the objectives of this research are:

Project Status: Open [Seeking students to participate in development [02 students]]

Programming Framwork: Python3.0+, tensorflow, Keras 

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Team Members: Open [Seeking students to participate in development [02 students]]

Project:Data Analytics and Visualization of an Education Institute[Open for 3rd semester students]

Project Details: 

The main objective of the this system is to analyze the faculty and students data to create a Dynamic Dashboard from different perspectives[Students, Faculty, Head of the Department, Principal, Higher Authorities] to generate quality analysis & visualization reports to reduce the time and manual human efforts for better decision making. 

Project Status: Open [Seeking students to participate in development (02 Students)]

Tools: PowerBI, Tableau

Team Members: Open [Seeking students to participate in development [02students]]

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Blood-Bank Data Management System [CHARUSAT HOSPITAL] [Closed]

Project Details[Project is Closed  [Summer Internship 2020-21], Selection Procedure is going on]:  

The population of the world is multiplying with each coming year and so are the diseases and health issues. With an increase in the population there is an increase in the need of blood. The growing population of the world results in a lot of potential blood donors. But in spite of this not more than 10% of the total world population participates in blood donation. With the growing population and the advancement in medical science the demand for blood has also increased. The improper management of blood leads to wastage of the available blood inventory. This problem can be dealt with by automating the blood bank management system. A high-end, efficient, highly available and scalable system has to be developed to manage the donors and blood bag details to reduce the human efforts and proper blood bank data management.

The purpose of the system is to replace an existing manual/semi automated system with new integrated system. The BDMS is developed to overcome the below mentioned problems. 

·         Donor Management- Donor Registration, managing donor database, recording their physical and medical statistics.

·         Blood Bag Details Management.

·         Inspection/Testing of blood sample for Approval/Rejection

Project Status: Open [Seeking students to participate in development [06 students]], Requirement Collection, GUI Design Phase Completed

Programming Framwork: PHP, MySQL 

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Team Members: Open [Seeking students to participate in development [06 students]]

Result Analysis using PowerBI [Closed]

Project Details: [Project is Closed  [Summer Internship 2020-21] , Selection Procedure is going on]:  

The main objective of the Result Analysis system is to analyze the result and create a Dynamic Dashboard from different perspectives[Students, Faculty, Head of the Department, Principal, Higher Authorities] to generate quality analysis & visualization reports to reduce the time and manual human efforts for better decision making. 

Project Status: Open [Seeking students to participate in development 03 Students]

Tools: PowerBI, Tableau

Team Members: Open [Seeking students to participate in development [03 students]]

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