Practical Assessment

Practical Continuous Assessment

Practical List

2023-24-even-CE358- CN-PracalList..pdf

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Week-1: Practical-1

AIM: Observing different cables and connectors, Assigning IP addresses to different topologies. 

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Week-2: Practical-2

AIM: Observing files in NS3 and creating equivalent topologies into Cisco Packet tracer.

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Week-3: Practical-3

AIM: Creating cpp file for given network topologies (Ask lab faculty for network topology).

1. Point-to-point


3. Wifi

3.1 Speciifc

3.2 Group 

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Week-4: Practical-4

AIM: Creating Visualisation of topology given in practical 3 observe packet flow using Netanim and show observation of result using Wireshark tool.

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Week-5: Practical-5

AIM: Use command line arguments to collect parameters of choice i.e. Number of nodes, links between nodes, UDP Server node number, UDP client node number, net ID assigning, start time and end time etc. and create one of the following topologies as instructed by instructor.

In case of any wrong input, it shows message rather than error. It should display in netanim.  

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Server Configuration and Demonstration

Project list
