<COURSECode> : <coursename>

Course Outcome

  • CO-1 :Understand and identify different physical layer transmission fundamentals such as types of signals, transmission, multiplexing, types of medium and modulation.

  • CO-2 :Evaluate existing layer-2 networking standards and implementations.

  • CO-3: Evaluate key networking protocols, and their hierarchical relationship in the context of a conceptual model, such as the OSI and TCP/IP framework.

  • CO-4:Understand existing different medium access protocols and evaluate for adoption for future networking.

  • CO5: Understand and differentiate functionality of existing network routing protocols.

  • CO6: Measure different network parameter such as Throughput & different types of delays.

Course Content (Note : link syllabus pdf from CourseFile/<SubjectName>/Syllabus )

Teaching and Examination Scheme

Resource Person